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How to Reach Eisvana

Eisvana is located at the edge of the Eissentam galaxy (the 10th galaxy). You must have all glyphs unlocked in order to get here. Glyphs can be unlocked by finishing the Artemis Path quest or by talking to travellers onboard space stations and finding unknown graves.

Getting to Eissentam

If you are not yet in Eissentam, you can look at the featured bases in the teleporter in the space anomaly. Often there is a base in Eissentam that you can teleport to.

Arrive by Portal

If you choose to get to Eisvana by portal, make sure you are in Eissentam. Portals do not work across galaxies.

Locating a Monolith

You can locate a monolith either by using ancient artifact planetary charts or by using your exocraft's scanner if you have the Radar Power Resonator upgrade installed.

Locating a Portal

Solve the riddle of the monolith, then interact with it a second time. If you cannot interact with it again, you didn't give the correct answer to the riddle.

Select the "Locate a Portal" option. Note that it requires a Gek Relic, Vy'keen Dagger or Korvax Casing, depending on the faction of your system.

Portal Travel

Activate the portal and enter the glyphs to our capital system: 406CA21107FF

Step through the portal. Welcome to Eisvana!

Get a Vana Van

We cooperate with PanGalactic StarCabs to give players a direct lift to our regions. You can open a ticket in their Discord server to get to our space.

Alternatively, you can ping "@Vana Van" in the "#trades-and-services" channel of Eisvana's Discord server to get the same service.

Note: You should put down a base computer after you arrived, otherwise the system might not be saved in your teleporter list.
